
Freshfield Nursery School Policies

Instructions for Viewing our Policies

  • Click the document name and either open and view, or save to your computer and view
  • Choose to open as read only when prompted

Safeguarding at Freshfield – please also see our Safeguarding page on this website

Click to download – FNS Safeguarding Policy 2023 v20.11.23

UKCIS Sharing nudes and semi-nudes images overview how to respond to an incident – Rev March 2024 high

UKSIC Sharing nudes and semi-nude images advice for education settings working with children – Rev March 2024 high

Children Parent Voice Safeguarding (1)

Safeguarding policy for Children 

Respect Model Policy Sept 22

Safeguarding Information

Please see attached safeguarding information documents that help to support our parents/carers to keep their child safe now and in the future.

CEOP-grooming factsheet

CEOP Parents and Carers Check List


Equal Opportunities

We believe that each and every child and adult is of equal value regardless of gender, race, culture or disability and is entitled to the widest possible opportunities in a quality education environment. We strive to implement these aspirations across the whole curriculum.

A copy of our Equal Opportunities Policy including Racial Equality is available for parents.

Key Equality Objectives for our School

We pride ourselves on the individual nature of our work with children. The strategies we use are reflective of our inclusive ethos and can be seen in our school development plan and the individual “next steps” for learning.

Click to download – Equality and Diversity Policy model policy

Accessibility Plan  & Disability Equality Scheme

Click to download – Accessibity Plan 21- 24


School Development Plan Priorities

Freshfield Nursery School SDP priorities 2023 – 2024 final

SDP 2023 – 2024 final

Positive Behaviour and Anti-bullying Policy

Click to download – Positive Behaviour and Anti-bullying 2021

behaviour statement 2022

Risky Play Policy

Click to download – Risky Play Policy 2023

Charging and Remissions

Charging Remission Lettings Policy for Sept 2024

charging policy amendment from Sept 2024 BC ASC SF

school fund increase Sept 23 letter to parents

Click to download

contract, booking form and terms and conditions from Jan 2024 including 2 year old funding

Charging Remission Lettings Policy for Sept 2023 inc C&P

Bad Debt Policy and Procedure new Oct 22 (1)

Medical Conditions In School

Safeguarding and First Aid Training at Freshfield

Food Safety & Ladder Safety Training at Freshfield

Medical Conditions in Schools Policy – revised Nov 23

 Complaints Procedures

Stockport Model Complaints Policy for Schools Nov 22

Please contact one of our Co-Headteachers, Mrs Martin or Mrs Richardson headteacher@freshfield.stockport.sch.uk Tel 0161 442 6944 if possible, in the first instance or the Chair of Governors, Mrs Jill Jones 07710543456.


Click to download – Security policy 2024

This security policy incorporates our lost child procedures and non-collect of child procedures.


Click to download – School Uniform Policy

Data Protection Privacy Notices and Policies

Click to download – Privacy Notice for Visitors Jan 23 080724

Appropriate Policy Document April 24

Click to download – Privacy Notice for Pupils Jan 23

Click to download – Privacy Notice – SEN and Safeguarding Jan 23 080724

Click to download – Privacy Notice for Workforce Jan 23 –

Click to download – Privacy Notice for Governors Jan 23

Click to download – Privacy Notice for Parents Sept 23


Click to download – Right to erasure Jan 23

Click to download – Right to objection Jan 23

Click to download – Right to rectification Jan 23

Click to download – Restriction

Click to download – Right to access Jan 23


School Retention Schedule 2022-2023

Publication Scheme

Click to download – Guide to information held (publication scheme) Freshfield NS

Click to download – ICO Registration Certificate – Z8173234

Click to download – Data Protection Policy Jan 23

Click to download – Data Breach Policy Jan 23

Click to download – Data Subject Rights Guidance Jan 23


Health and Safety Audit

Freshfield Nursery Health and Safety Audit 23.02.2024

Click to download – Freshfield Nursery Health and Safety Audit Report Feb 2023

Click to download – Freshfield Nursery Health and Safety Audit Report, January 2022

Other Policies

Click to download – Induction of pupils and transition policy February 2024

Click to download – Parent Behaviour Respect Policy

Click to download – Partnership with Parents Policy Feb 2022

Click to download – sun care policy 2022

Freshfield Nursery School Financial Information

Financial information for website 2023 – 2024

Financial information for website 2022 – 2023

If you require a paper copy of any of these policies or any other document on this website or have any other queries – please contact one of the Co-Headteachers, Mrs Martin/Mrs Richardson or the School Business Manager, Mrs Longley by telephone 0161 442 6944 or fill in the contact us page on the website.  Documents will be provided free of charge.

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We still have places available for September 2024 in our 2 year old and 3-4 year old nursery. 15 and 30 hours paid and funded. To apply please email admin@freshfield.stockport.sch.uk or contact the office on 0161 442 6944 📚✏️💫

We still have places available for September 2024 in our 2 year old and 3-4 year old nursery. 15 and 30 hours paid and funded. To apply please email admin@freshfield.stockport.sch.uk or contact the office on 0161 442 6944 📚✏️💫 ... See MoreSee Less

18 hours ago

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