Further School Information

School Fund

We ask parents to make a voluntary contribution to school fund.
This money pays for:

  • The fresh fruit the children have at snack time each day.
  • Birthday presents and Christmas presents for every child.
  • Parties, birthday cakes, and special food for snack times.
  • Special purchases and exciting extras for cooking, outdoor play, display materials and to help us celebrate festivals.
  • An entertainer at our Parties… and much more.

Please note we are not allowed to make a direct charge for any activities and we are therefore dependent on your voluntary contributions for these extras. We hope that you will be willing to make a weekly voluntary contribution. Some parents prefer to donate each term or half term by a cheque made payable to Freshfield School Fund or via the Parentmail app.

Administrative Details

Please inform school immediately if your child has been hospitalised in the last 12 months.

Please ensure that the side gate and the doors to nursery are kept closed at all times.

Although we do our best to prevent accidents they do sometimes happen. Minor grazes and bruises are treated by staff and a record is kept of how they occurred so we can inform you.
In the case of a more serious accident we would contact you and get professional help immediately.

We report minor accidents to parents via our Medical Tracker software.  Parents receive an email detailing any minor accidents in school.

Administration of Medicines
We will make arrangements for the administration of medication for long term medical conditions only. A form for administration of medication must be completed by parents.  Please contact Mrs Williams, our medical lead, if you have any queries.

New Uniform supplier available from Aug 2021

https://www.triplesuniform.co.uk/ 102 Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport.

The items available to purchase are:

  • Sweatshirts aged 3-4 or aged 5-6 years in red – £10.99
  • Polo Shirts aged 3-4 or aged 5-6 years in red – £8.50
  • Sweatshirts for 2-year-old provision – £10.99
  • Polo Shirts for 2-year-old provision – £8.50

These can be ordered through the above website, by popping into the shop or telephone them on 0161 442 8834.

We aim to provide a nurturing and consistent environment where a firm set of expectations and guidelines are used to help children learn self control and to have responsibility for their own actions. We help the children to accept rules which are for the benefit of all. A copy of our Positive Behaviour Policy is available for parents.

Car Parking
We ask parents to show consideration when finding a parking place.  Please do not park your car in front of the Church entrance or in the Church car park.  Parents are asked not to use the small Church car park at the side of school.

Please park on one of the side roads close to School.

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We are having an open day for all prospective parents to come and have a look around the nursery provision on Friday 14th February anytime between 10 am and 4 pm no appointment necessary 📚✏️⭐️

We are having an open day for all prospective parents to come and have a look around the nursery provision on Friday 14th February anytime between 10 am and 4 pm no appointment necessary 📚✏️⭐️ ... See MoreSee Less

2 days ago

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