Eco Schools’ Work at Freshfield
Latest new September 2024 – we have successfully renewed our Green Flag Status!
Eco Schools Green Flag Award renewed with Merit Award!
Please see the comments from the assessor:
The quotation provided by an Eco-Committee member demonstrates their passion, engagement, and confidence that they can create positive environmental impacts in their nursery, local community, and beyond.
Completing the Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee appreciate the steps your nursery has already taken to increase its sustainability and gain an appreciation of the future impacts that it can create.
We took great pleasure in reading the comments on your Environmental Review; they provided a wonderful insight into the discussions that took place while your Eco-Committee completed it.
Data from completing the Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee create an impactful Action Plan for your nursery.
Your Eco-Committee decided to work on the topics most appealing to them.
This approach will harness their passion, giving them a determination to achieve the best outcomes possible.
Your Action Plan contains a diverse range of activities aimed at creating positive behaviours, making an immediate difference to your local environment, and expanding your Eco-Schools’ initiatives into your local community.
Your curriculum links come from different subject areas and 2 different year groups; they are good examples of innovative and engaging environmental education.
It is fantastic that the commitment to sustainability can be seen at the nursery;and that the nursery aims to equip the children with the tools to become conscientious and active global citizens.
When creating your Action Plan, your Eco-Committee has thoughtfully considered how their Eco-Schools activities can involve and benefit their entire nursery community. We truly appreciate this ambition to create a whole-nursery movement by involving your families in your environmental work and events and joining up where you can with local charities and conservation groups.
Your Eco-Committee has used an impressive variety of methods to promote sustainability and keep their nursery community informed about their Eco-Schools’ initiatives throughout the academic year including your website, newsletters, and articles in
the Moor Magazine.
We like how your Eco-Committee used their nursery newsletter and Moor Magazine to involve the broader nursery community in their environmental initiatives, sharing their expertise and encouraging their families to live more sustainably.
The parental quote shows an unseen impact of your work. You have educated, inspired, and empowered young people in your nursery, and they are now carrying this passion into their homes and communities, sharing it with friends and family.
You state that the most significant success of your Eco-Schools’ work is that the
children have become interested in the topics in the nursery and this continued into the home. This is a phenomenal achievement. It is great to read that despite the challenges you faced including financial constraints; you did not give up.
Thank you for sharing the environmentally-themed trip to a residents’ home where the children chatted and sang to the residents.
Your final Eco-Code is an aspirational call to action, explaining exactly how your nursery and its pupils will look after our planet – we, especially like the line ‘Doing eco stuff is brilliant and saves our planet from dangers’.
Displaying your Eco-Code in various prominent positions is a great way to ensure that it is treasured by everyone at ‘Freshfield Nursery School’
Throughout the application, you have consistently demonstrated a whole-nursery-commitment to youth-led environmental action.
As a result, we are delighted to recognize your brilliant work with the Eco-Schools’ Green Flag with Merit 2024.
2023 Our Eco Schools work is now embedded into the curriculum. The children recycle daily with their milk bottles and food waste. At snack time, children recycle their fruit waste, milk bottles and paper cups. They also know to put waste paper in the paper bin when they have been cutting. We have a dedicated Nature School area which the children visit and thoroughly enjoy on a weekly basis.
Latest News July 2021 – We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully renewed our Eco Schools’ Green Flag status in July 2021.
Latest News June 2019 – We are delighted to announce that we have successfully had our Green Flag status renewed. We welcomed an inspector from Eco Schools to visit school in June and he was very complimentary towards all the Eco Schools work at Freshfield.
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.
As a school we have always been interested in the environment and decided using the eco schools programme would enhance our work with the children. We realised if we could inspire pupils at this early age to be conscious of their surroundings and have care for the environment this would stay with them for life.
As a smaller school we are always looking at ways we can make our budget go further and by following eco schools initiatives in the nine topics we hope this would help us make considerable savings.
We have been awarded the Bronze and Silver Awards for Eco Schools.
Eco Schools Spring 25 forthcoming activities
Eco Schools Autumn 24 forthcoming activities
Eco Schools Summer 24 forthcoming activities
Eco Schools Summer 2023 forthcoming activities
Click to download – Eco Schools SpringSummer 2021
Click to download – Eco Schools Spring Summer 2019
Click to download – Eco School Winter Spring 2018
Please also see our Eco Schools’ Noticeboard in the reception area for current activities.
The children love singing our Click to download – Eco Code!
Additional Eco CodeEco codes additional