Places for Sept 24 available in 2 year and 3-4 year provision including 30 hours
We have places available for a September 2024 start in both our 2 year provision and 3-4 year provision.
Hours available are from 15 hours to 30 hours in the 3-4 year provision. Extended hours can include 8 am breakfast club (£4.25 per session) and after school club to 4.45 pm daily (£7 per hour).
In our 2 year provision you can also pay for an additional 15 hours per week so your child attends for 30 hours – 8.30 am to 2.30 pm Mon to Fri. (15 hours funded and 15 hours paid). We accept both the low income and working families funding codes for 2 year funding.
To apply please contact the school directly Tel: 0161 442 6944.